Sunday, July 11, 2010

Halfway Around the World and Back

Since my last post, I've been back to the States for 2 weeks and now I'm back in Hyderabad along with my husband Steve.

The trip itself, on Qatar Airways, was pretty incredible.  I got the royal treatment all the way -- a personal escort  from the taxi through the airport to my seat on the plane; a layover in Doha's premium lounge, which is a whole separate terminal just for the elite; and a 13-hour flight in a business class seat that not only lies flat but also has a built-in massager.  Among other goodies, Qatar Airways gives each business class passenger a pair of pajamas (or pyjamas as we spell it here in India). 
I spent a week with my sisters in Annapolis, MD.  We always have a good time together.  One of the highlights was an Indian fashion show featuring my new SKs.  Everyone agrees that we should start a movement to adopt this form of dress in the US. 

After Annapolis, I went home to CT for a week.  That was wonderful, too.  It's so relaxing to be in a place that's 100% familiar.  I especially enjoyed my glitch-free home-office infrastructure: wireless headset, WiFi, dual monitors, etc. plus a return to working in my PJs.

We started the trip back to India at about 8 pm on Monday July 5.  We took a private car from our house to JFK.  Not as comfortable as I had hoped, but the timing was much more convenient than the other options.  After Doha, the business class lounge in JFK seemed small and tattered.  The flights were good, no glitches, great service etc. but this time it seemed more gruelling.  We finally checked in to our hotel at 5:30 am on Wednesday July 7.  I'm still too jet-lagged to calculate how many hours or days we were in transit.

1 comment:

  1. You and your sisters look so cute and comfy in your SKs!
